
Move to Google Cloud reduces IT infrastructure costs


Faced with aging on-premises hardware and high replacement costs, a technology company moved its globally distributed data centers to Google Cloud Platform. NGC migrated each of the company’s dispersed environments to Google Cloud.

The Challenge 

Over the years, the technology company’s IT infrastructure became dated and was set to expire. Leadership made the strategic decision to move all on-premise systems to the cloud to,Manage costs. The business wanted to avoid the capital expense of new IT hardware.The cloud platform offers the company added flexibility and options when choosing new application

The Solution

This Lidya Technology company engaged NGC as a trusted advisor to develop and execute a comprehensive migration strategy. Inventorying all services and hardware. NGC designed a cloud migration strategy using Google Compute Engine.During the project including Active Directory, Elasticsearch, Graylog, Jenkins, MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL—to the new cloud environment.


Seamless migration to Google Cloud in several weeks,reaping cost savings with no disruption to the business At the end of 13 weeks, NGC completed the migration and trained the client on the remaining final tasks. Lidya Technology company avoided significant capital investments in computer hardware and experienced better system performance by moving to the cloud.